Showcase your knowledge of JavaScript in this exam, featuring questions on the language, syntax and features.
The JavaScript Fundamentals Certification is an accreditation designed to help web developers demonstrate their proficiency in JavaScript, one of the most widely used programming languages for web development. This certification covers a comprehensive range of topics, techniques, and best practices essential for developing modern, responsive, and interactive web applications.
By earning the JavaScript Fundamentals Certification, web developers showcase their ability to create dynamic, user-friendly web applications and interactive user interfaces. This certification is designed for both beginners who wish to establish a strong foundation in JavaScript and experienced developers who want to showcase their knowledge to prospective employers or clients.
The JavaScript Fundamentals Certification covers the following topics:
- The role of JavaScript in web development
- Running JavaScript code in browsers and development environments
- Variables, Data Types, and Operators
- Type coercion and conversion
- Operators: arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, and ternary
- Control Structures and Loops
- Working with arrays
- Functions and Scope
- Objects and OOP
- Document Object Model (DOM) Manipulation
- Event handling and event delegation
- Asynchronous JavaScript and Promises
- JavaScript Best Practices
- Debugging and troubleshooting
- Security
Remember that this is a fundamentals course, so all of the topics covered expect a basic understanding. More advanced accreditations will require a more advanced understanding of the topics covered in this course.
Also remember that now all topics are covered in the exam. The exam is designed to test your general understanding of the topics, and we regularly rotate questions and update content.
Upon completion of the JavaScript Fundamentals Certification, you will have a proven understanding of core JavaScript concepts, allowing you to show you ability to develop complex web applications using problem-solving skills. The certification also serves as a stepping stone for advanced JavaScript topics such as modern front-end frameworks (React, Angular, Vue) and Node.js for server-side development.
To achieve the JavaScript Fundamentals Certification, you must pass a comprehensive exam that tests their understanding and practical application of JavaScript concepts. The exam includes multiple-choice questions that pose coding challenges, and scenario-based problems to evaluate the your knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.
You won't be asked to write code, but you will need to understand what certain pieces of code are doing, and will be asked questions about the issues from that code, or the expected output of that code.
In summary, the JavaScript Fundamentals Certification is a valuable credential for web developers looking to establish and showcase their expertise in JavaScript and advance their careers. By earning this certification, developers demonstrate their dedication to learning and staying current in the ever-evolving world of web development, making them more marketable and competitive in the industry.
Become more attractive to employers, prove your skills to progress your career, or impress and reassure clients.

Take the exam at your own pace, and get certified in JavaScript Fundamentals.
Includes unlimited re-sits and lifetime access.
Exam duration: 30 minutes.
Number of questions: 31.
Pass percentage: 71%.

Take the exam at your own pace, and get certified in JavaScript Fundamentals.
Includes unlimited re-sits and lifetime access.