Help, guides, tutorials and more.
Tutorials JavaScript Tooling
How to build a Chrome Extension - A guide with working examples
Learn how to build a Chrome extension from scratch! This guide covers setup, advanced features, deployment to the Chrome Web Store, and real-world use cases.
Tutorials PHP Tooling
Run-time Mailers in Laravel Using `Laravel::Build`
Learn how to use Laravel's Mail facade and `Mail::build` to dynamically configure runtime mailers. Real-world examples included.
Tutorials WordPress PHP Sysadmin
Making WordPress Immutable
Learn how to make your WordPress site immutable for enhanced security and stability. Discover the benefits and step-by-step guide to creating an unchangeable WordPress environment
Test Stripe webhooks without using ngrok
Learn how to test Stripe webhooks without using ngrok. Discover alternatives, such as Stripe CLI and local reverse proxies, for seamless webhook testing.
Tutorials WordPress PHP
What is the n+1 problem? (WordPress edition)
Learn about the N+1 problem in WordPress and how it impacts site performance. Discover techniques to avoid it using batch processing, eager loading, and caching.
Tutorials JavaScript
What is the n+1 problem? (JavaScript edition)
Learn about the N+1 problem in JavaScript and how it affects performance. Discover strategies to avoid it using batch requests, eager loading, and GraphQL's DataLoader.
Tutorials PHP
What is the n+1 problem? (PHP edition)
Learn about the N+1 problem in PHP and how it can impact performance. Discover techniques to avoid it using eager loading and query optimization in frameworks like Laravel and Symfony.
Tutorials Database Design Tooling
When to Use UNION Queries
Learn when to use UNION queries in SQL to combine results from multiple SELECT statements. Discover practical examples, tips, and key considerations to optimize your database operations.
Laravel preventLazyLoading - Prevent Unintended Queries
Learn how to use Laravel's preventLazyLoading feature to catch and prevent unintended database queries, optimize performance, and avoid the N+1 query problem in your applications
PHP JavaScript Sysadmin
What is DX?
Learn about Developer Experience (DX), why it matters, and see examples of good and bad DX that highlight its impact on software development productivity.
MySQL `GROUP BY` Explained
Learn everything about the GROUP BY clause in MySQL, from basic to advanced usage, with examples, pitfalls, and best practices for effective data aggregation.
Tutorials WordPress Tooling
How to rebuild permalinks in WordPress
Learn how to rebuild permalinks in WordPress using multiple methods, including through the control panel and via code, to fix broken links and improve site structure.
Tutorials PHP Database Design
Naming Conventions for Laravel Database Tables
Learn about Laravel's naming conventions for joining tables. This guide covers how to name pivot tables and columns, ensuring automatic relationship mapping in Laravel.
Tutorials Tooling
The Ultimate Guide to User Agents
Explore the intricacies of the user agent in this comprehensive guide. Learn about its structure, applications, and future trends to optimize web experiences for all users.
Markdown cheatsheet
Master Markdown with this comprehensive cheatsheet! Learn basic to advanced syntax, including links, images, tables, and more. Perfect for beginners and experts alike.
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