Help, guides, tutorials and more.
Tutorials WordPress PHP
Image srcsets in WordPress without a plugin
Responsive image management by implementing `srcset`s in WordPress without relying on plugins. This guide offers a straightforward approach to added srcset support in WordPress.
Tutorials WordPress PHP JavaScript Tooling
How to build a carousel in Gutenberg for WordPress
Learn Gutenberg block development with this step-by-step guide on creating a custom carousel component in vanilla WordPress, enhancing your site with dynamic, user-friendly content.
Tutorials Tooling
Make the web accessible with Tailwind CSS
Learn how to leverage Tailwind CSS to build accessible web applications. This guide offers insights into incorporating accessibility best practices into your Tailwind projects, ensuring inclusivity and compliance.
The Tailwind aspect ratio plugin
Maintain aspect ratios for your project elements with the Tailwind CSS Aspect Ratio Plugin. This guide explores how to use this plugin to create responsive and visually consistent designs effortlessly.
Tutorials PHP Tooling
Schedule command for end of the month in Laravel
How to use Laravel's scheduling capabilities to run tasks on the last day of the month. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to setting up end-of-month scheduled tasks within Laravel.
Sysadmin Tooling
What's inside the .git directory?
Ever wondered what lies within the .git folder of your project? A look at the .git directory, the purpose of each file and folder contained within, understand the workings of Git's version control system.
Understanding Laravel's `reorder` method in Eloquent
Unlock the power of dynamic data reordering in Laravel with Eloquent. This guide explores the `reorder` method, offering insights and practical examples to enhance your web applications.
A Guide to CSS Cursor Types
Understand the use of CSS cursor types to enhance user interaction and experience on your website. This guide explores the array of cursor options available in CSS, providing insights into how and when to use them.
You can use JavaScript inside your Tailwind config
You can and should use JavaScript within your Tailwind CSS configuration file. This extensive guide is packed with examples, showing the flexibility that JavaScript brings to your Tailwind setup.
Understanding Functions and Directives in Tailwind
Understand functions and directives in Tailwind CSS. This guide looks at Tailwind's functional approach, exploring how to leverage its built-in functions and directives for advanced styling.
Maximizing Browser Support in Tailwind CSS
Explore how to optimize Tailwind CSS for broad browser compatibility. This guide discusses vendor prefixes, browser support strategies, and best practices for ensuring your Tailwind-powered sites look great across all browsers.
How to use Tailwind with Vite
Learn how to integrate Tailwind CSS with Vite for a blazing-fast development experience. This comprehensive guide walks you through the process of setting up Tailwind CSS in a Vite project, step by step.
Using Tailwind CSS with pre-processors
Learn how to combine the power of Tailwind CSS with the flexibility of CSS pre-processors like Sass or Less. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on integrating Tailwind with pre-processors.
Customize Tailwind CSS with themes
Learn about theming with Tailwind CSS. This comprehensive tutorial guides you through the process of customizing and creating unique themes using Tailwind's utility-first framework.
Tutorials JavaScript
Understanding Loose Typing in JavaScript
Explore the concept of loose typing in JavaScript, its implications for development, and best practices to effectively harness this feature of the language while avoiding common pitfalls.
Showing 121 to 135 of 371 results