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Tutorials WordPress PHP
Comparing WP CLI v1 and v2: Key Differences and Enhancements
Understand the differences of WP CLI from version 1 to version 2. This article highlights the significant differences and improvements, helping WordPress developers understand the advancements in this powerful command-line tool.
How to create your own theme options page in WordPress
Improve your WordPress theme by creating a custom theme options page. This guide walks you through the process of adding a personalized and intuitive options page to your WordPress theme.
Tutorials PHP
Laravel's findMany method explained
Laravel's findMany method, which is part of Eloquent ORM. This detailed guide explains how findMany works, its advantages, and how to effectively use it in your Laravel applications.
How to send a HTML email in PHP with a plaintext fallback
Send HTML emails with a plaintext fallback in PHP. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to ensure your emails are accessible and properly formatted across various email clients.
Tutorials JavaScript Tooling
How to set up Vite to compile Scss and JS in a basic HTML project
Streamline your web development process by setting up Vite to compile SCSS and JavaScript in a basic HTML project. This article provides a step-by-step guide to integrating Vite, enhancing your development workflow with speed and efficiency.
Tutorials WordPress Tooling
What is XML-RPC in WordPress?
Learn about XML-RPC in WordPress, a protocol that facilitates communication between WordPress and other systems. This article explores its significance, capabilities, and modern relevance.
Creating a Custom Dashboard Widget Plugin for WordPress
Improve your WordPress admin experience by creating a custom dashboard widget. This guide walks you through the steps to develop a plugin that adds a bespoke widget to the WordPress admin dashboard.
WordPress database tables explained
Gain a deeper understanding of the WordPress database structure. This comprehensive guide explores each table in a WordPress database, revealing their functions and roles in powering your WordPress site.
Tutorials Statamic PHP Tooling
How to use Blade with Statamic Multisite
Using Laravel Blade templating within Statamic multisite setups. This guide focuses on leveraging Blade's powerful syntax to create dynamic, site-specific templates in a Statamic multisite ecosystem.
Tutorials Statamic PHP
How to use GraphQL in Statamic
Enhance your Statamic development experience by integrating and utilizing the GraphQL API. This guide offers insightful tips and steps to harness the power of GraphQL for dynamic content retrieval in Statamic.
Tutorials Tooling
A guide to the different filters in Tailwind
Unravel the diverse array of filters available in Tailwind CSS. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of different filter utilities, enabling you to add depth and character to your web designs with ease.
Tutorials WordPress JavaScript Tooling
How to use Vue in your WordPress theme
How to use Vue in your own WordPress theme. This article guides you through the process of integrating Vue into your WordPress theme, blending the best of both worlds for a dynamic user experience.
How to modify spacing in Tailwind
How to customize and control spacing in your Tailwind CSS projects. This article provides insights into modifying margins, padding, and gaps to create visually appealing and responsive layouts.
Tutorials WordPress PHP Sysadmin Tooling
A beginners guide to WP-CLI
Unlock the full potential of WordPress with WP-CLI, the command-line tool for managing WordPress sites. This basic guide covers the essentials of WP-CLI, providing a foundation for efficient WordPress management.
What is the best database collation for WordPress
Make an informed decision about the best database collation for your WordPress website. Understand the nuances of database collation and how it impacts the functionality and performance of your site.
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