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How to query against dates in MySQL using a dates table

2 min read
Published on 22nd August 2023

In database management, it's not uncommon to encounter situations where you need to perform operations over a range of dates. Whether it's for financial reports, analytics, or activity logs, having a structured way to access dates can be incredibly helpful. One efficient method to handle such situations in MySQL is to use a Date Table. This article will walk you through creating and utilizing a date table effectively.

What is a Date Table?

A date table, often referred to as a calendar table or a date dimension table, is a separate table in your database that contains a list of dates. The table generally includes one row for each day, making it easier to run date-based queries without missing out on any dates.

Why Use a Date Table?

  • Continuous Dates: There might be missing dates in your primary data, but with a date table, you can ensure that you have a continuous sequence of dates.

  • Efficiency: Joining with a date table can be faster and more straightforward than generating date series on-the-fly, especially for large datasets.

  • Flexibility: Date tables can include additional columns, such as flags for weekends or holidays, making certain queries more straightforward.

Creating a Date Table:

Let's start by creating a basic date table in MySQL:

CREATE TABLE date_table (

Now, to populate the table with dates, you can use a stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE FillDateTable(startDate DATE, endDate DATE)
    WHILE startDate <= endDate DO
        INSERT INTO date_table (date) VALUES (startDate);
        SET startDate = DATE_ADD(startDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY);
END //

-- Invoke the procedure
CALL FillDateTable('2000-01-01', '2030-12-31');

This procedure will populate your date_table with dates from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2030. Adjust the range according to your needs.

Querying Using the Date Table:

Now that we have a populated date table, we can use it in our queries. Let's assume we have a sales table, and we want to fetch the total sales for every day, even if there were no sales on certain days:

    COALESCE(SUM(s.amount), 0) as total_sales
    date_table dt
    sales s ON = s.sale_date
WHERE BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-12-31'

In this example, the LEFT JOIN ensures that we get a result for every day in 2020, even if there were no sales on that date. Days without sales will show a total_sales value of 0, thanks to the COALESCE function.

Date tables can be a powerful tool in your SQL toolkit. They provide a simple way to ensure continuous date ranges, make date-based queries more efficient, and offer a flexible structure for additional date-related information. By integrating a date table into your database, you can streamline many common querying tasks and enhance the accuracy of your results.